I have compiled all the routes, required items and all the endings of all the characters in Welcome to Maison Chichigami in this guide.

Item Locations & Effects

AphrodisiacLibrary (Day 1 - Daytime)Required for Ai’s H event (Day 6 - Daytime)
School UniformWarehouse (Day 2 - Morning)Required for Risa’s H event (Day 5 - Daytime)
Massager SetWarehouse (Day 2 - Daytime)Required for Risa’s H event (Day 6 - Daytime)
Vibrator & Electro-stimWarehouse (Day 3 - Morning)Required for Kana’s H event (Day 5 - Morning)
OilReception Room (Day 3 - Daytime)Required for Manami’s H event (Day 7 - Night)
SM EquipmentStudy (Day 4 - Morning)Required for Ai’s H event (Day 6 - Night)
School SwimsuitGreenhouse (Day 4 - Daytime)Required for Manami’s H event (Day 6 - Night)
Warehouse (Day 6 - Morning)Required for Kana’s H event (Day 7 - Noon)

Manami Route

  • View all events involving Manami, including H events.

  • At the final choice:

    • Selecting “Stay with her forever” leads to END 4.
    • Selecting “I don’t want to die here” leads to END 3.
    • Entering the basement even once results in END 1, so avoid it.

Risa Route

  • View all of Risa’s events, including H events.

  • At the final choice:

    • Selecting “Do as Manami says”, then “Left path” twice leads to END 9.
    • Choosing the wrong path results in END 8.
    • Selecting “Escape with Risa” results in END 7.

Kana Route

  • View all of Kana’s events, including H events.

  • On Day 7 noon, in Kana’s room, choose “Do not read the letter”.

  • At the final choice:

    • Selecting “Do as Manami says” results in END 6.
    • Selecting “Escape with Kana” results in END 5.
    • Choosing “Do as Manami says” without fulfilling the conditions still results in END 5.

Ai Route

  • View all events with Ai on Day 1 and collect the Aphrodisiac from the library.

  • Avoid any H events with others on the first night.

  • Starting from Night 2, Ai’s H events become available.

  • View all Ai-related events throughout the game.

  • On the morning of Day 7, in Rinnosuke’s room, obtain the handgun.

  • At the final choice:

    • Selecting “Draw the handgun” results in END 11.
    • Selecting “Follow Manami’s advice” results in END 10.
    • If you don’t obtain the handgun, you will be forced into END 10.

Ending List & Conditions

Ending No.Condition
END 1Do not engage in any training at night and let the days pass. If no other ending conditions are met, reach the final day.
END 3View all of Manami’s H events over 7 days and choose “I don’t want to die here”.
END 4View all of Manami’s H events over 7 days and choose “Stay with her forever”.
END 5View all of Kana’s events, then choose “Escape with Kana”.
END 6View all of Kana’s events, ignore the letter on Day 7, and choose “Do as Manami says”.
END 7View all of Risa’s events, then choose “Escape with Risa”.
END 8View all of Risa’s events, but choose the wrong path.
END 9View all of Risa’s events, choose “Do as Manami says”, then go Left twice.
END 10View all of Ai’s events, then choose “Follow Manami’s advice”.
END 11View all of Ai’s events, obtain the handgun, then choose “Draw the handgun”.
END 12Balance Risa’s and Kana’s H event counts and choose “End the contract and leave”.
END 13Balance Risa’s and Kana’s H event counts and choose “Stay together with both”.
END 14Follow the Slave route conditions (see below).
END 15Follow the Goddess Family route conditions (see below).

Special Routes

Slave Route

  • Choose Manami for night sessions on Days 1-3.
  • On Day 4, visit the Protagonist’s Room, then choose Ai on Day 5.
  • View Manami & Ai’s H event on the morning of Day 6.
  • Choose Manami for the night session on Day 6.
  • On the night of Day 7, choosing Ai leads to END 14.

Goddess Family Route

  • Engage in H sessions with Manami 5 times.
  • At noon on Day 5, view the Letter Event in the study.
  • Visit the basement three times.
  • Agree to Manami and her father’s words, leading to END 15.