In this guide I will explain how to buff, build, and abilities for all weapons in SWORN.

All Weapons & Spell Builds


Below is a breakdown of each weapon type and spell for the Vigilante build.


  • Magnesis
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals +30% damage and pulls enemies toward you.
  • Honed Echo
    Effect: Heavy Attack now releases a damaging wave.
  • Hurricane
    Effect: Heavy Attack shoots a vortex that deals damage over time to enemies inside it.
  • Cursed Blade
    Effect: All sword attacks deal up to 90% increased damage, based on how much curse you have.
  • Acceleration
    Effect: You move +10% faster and your Light Attack is 30% faster.
  • Blade Wave
    Effect: The first two swings of your Light Attack combo fire projectile waves.


  • Rapid Fire
    Effect: Light Attack charges 80% faster.
  • Rain Of Arrows
    Effect: Heavy Attack fires 2 additional arrows.
  • Focus Fire
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals +10 additional damage for each arrow it fires.
  • Skylall
    Effect: Heavy Attack fires arrows 30% faster and deals 30% more damage.
  • Heavy Draw
    Effect: Light Attack charges 25% slower but deals +50% damage.
  • Triple Shot
    Effect: Light Attack fires 3 arrows in a spread but deals 40% less damage.
  • Sniper
    Effect: Light Attack deals +5% damage for every consecutive Perfect Shot (Max of 10 Perfect Shots).

Bo Staff

  • Helm Splitter
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals +40% damage in the center of its impact.
  • Above it All
    Effect: You are briefly invulnerable during your Heavy Attack.
  • Unending Torrent
    Effect: After using your Spell, your Light Attack gains 40% attack speed for 3 seconds.
  • Fivefold Strike
    Effect: If the first 4 swings of your Light Attack combo hit enemies, the last hit deals double damage.


  • Streamline
    Effect: Chakrams are thrown 40% further and travel 40% faster.
  • Spare Blade
    Effect: Gain an extra Chakram to throw.
  • Razor Dance
    Effect: Move 50% faster and spin an extra time while using Heavy Attack.
  • Whirling Steel
    Effect: Heavy Attack spins an additional time for each Chakram you are holding.
  • Razor Vortex
    Effect: Heavy Attack is 50% larger and deals 30% more damage.
  • Great Razors
    Effect: Chakrams are 50% larger and deal 30% more damage.

Vigilante Spells

Assassin Dagger

  • Ricochet Blade
    Effect: Spell deals bonus damage and ricochets between foes.
    Damage Increase: +25%
    Bonus Hits: +3
  • Vigilante’s Mark
    Effect: Spell now marks foes, causing them to take bonus damage.
    Damage Increase: +25%
    Duration (s): 3
  • Veteran’s Blade
    Effect: Spell gains permanent bonus damage with each kill.
    Damage per Stack: +1
    Maximum Bonus Damage: +150

Blade Rush

  • Triple Slash
    Effect: Spell performs three quick dashes with reduced damage.
    Damage Reduction: 20%
  • Cutpurse Dash
    Effect: Spell grants gold when killing a foe.
    Per Kill: +5
  • Vampire Dash
    Effect: Spell restores health for each foe it passes through.
    Health Per Hit: 0.5

Dagger Flurry

  • Splintering Blades
    Effect: Spell splinters into smaller knives on impact.
  • Fan of Knives
    Effect: Spell now throws additional blades.
    Projectiles: 5
  • Killing Throw
    Effect: Spell instantly kills and restores health from minor foes that are near death.
    Enemy Health Threshold: 20%
    Health per Kill: +3

Shadow Strike

  • Omnislash
    Effect: Spell deals extra damage and now targets an area, striking all foes within it.
    Damage Increase: +25%
  • Shadow Dancer
    Effect: After using your Spell, gain massive evasion briefly.
    Evasion Chance: +50%
    Duration (s): 3
  • Marked For Death
    Effect: Spell marks foes causing them to take extra damage and restore health to you when killed.
    Damage Increase: +20%
    Healing: +2
    Duration (s): 3


The Monk build blends physical might with mystical arts. Below are the details for each weapon type and spell.


  • Holy Fervor
    Effect: You take 40% less damage while attacking with your Light Attack.
  • Thunderous Call
    Effect: Any time you fire Bolts, an additional Bolt is fired.
  • Morningstar
    Effect: Light Attack deals +40% damage when hitting foes with the tip of the weapon.
  • Greater Smite
    Effect: Bolts are 20% larger and deal 20% more damage.
  • Discharge
    Effect: Light Dash Attack creates a Bolt.

Magic Staff

  • Shaping Slam
    Effect: Heavy Attack now also fires 4 staff projectiles.
  • Magic Guard
    Effect: Gain massive damage reduction while casting Heavy Attack. If hit during the attack, the incoming damage is increased by 50%.
  • Cubic Spread
    Effect: Light Attack now fires 3 projectiles in a cone, with each doing 40% less damage.


  • Anticipation
    Effect: Heavy Attack constantly shoots small projectiles while aiming.
  • Scholarly Focus
    Effect: Light Attack deals +20% damage and fires 20% further.
  • Ancient Enchantment
    Effect: Hitting yourself with Heavy Attack temporarily makes Light Attack 25% stronger.
  • Lengthy Text
    Effect: Light Attack fires an extra projectile.
  • Paper Storm
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals 40% less damage but fires 3 projectiles.
  • Reading Backwards
    Effect: Heavy Attack starts narrow and widens as it charges.
  • Leaden Pages
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals +25% more damage and affects an area 40% larger.


  • Echoing Notes
    Effect: After a short delay, Light Notes explode a second time for 35% reduced damage.
  • Jitterbug
    Effect: Heavy Attack fires 3 Light Notes in random directions upon explosion.
  • Coda
    Effect: Replace the final hit of Light Attack with a powerful finisher.
  • Grazioso
    Effect: Heavy Attack homes in on the nearest foe and deals +50% damage.
  • Caporiccio
    Effect: Light Attacks launch an additional Note at a random nearby foe.
  • Reverberate
    Effect: Heavy Attack bounces and explodes a second time.

Monk Spells

  • Pursuing Storm
    Effect: Spell now slowly tracks the nearest foe.
  • Storm Surge
    Effect: Each strike of the Spell is faster and deals an additional +3 flat damage.
  • Maelstrom
    Effect: Spell deals +20% bonus damage and strikes in a larger area.
    Bonus Area: +50%
  • Rapid Fire
    Effect: Spell attacks 250% faster but deals 45% less damage.
  • Dual Core
    Effect: Spell lasts 50% longer and fires additional projectiles.
  • Piercing Shards
    Effect: Spell deals an extra 25% bonus damage and pierces through enemies.
  • Event Horizon
    Effect: Spell triggers a second time after a short delay at 20% reduced damage.
  • Supermassive
    Effect: Spell’s area is increased by 25% and damage by 15%.
  • Collapse
    Effect: Spell deals an extra 20 damage for each enemy caught within it.
  • Midnight Pulse
    Effect: While the Spell’s shield holds, it pulses every 1.5 seconds, dealing 18 damage to nearby enemies.
  • Arcane Power
    Effect: Affected players gain a 15% damage bonus.
  • Divine Shielding
    Effect: Spell now fully blocks one instance of damage.


The Rock build focuses on brute force and heavy-hitting melee combat. Below are the specifics.

Great Hammer

  • Top Heavy
    Effect: Light Attack deals +40% more damage when striking with the hammer’s head.
  • Bludgeon
    Effect: Light Attack knocks back minor enemies further and can Wall Slam them for bonus damage.
  • Spring Loaded
    Effect: Heavy Attack charges faster and causes an extra spin when fully charged.
  • Let It Rip
    Effect: Heavy Attack can be charged twice as long to spin twice as many times.
  • Inertial Strength
    Effect: Heavy Attack spins faster.

Hand Cannon

  • Direct Hit
    Effect: Light Attack deals +40% extra damage if it hits an enemy directly.
  • Triple Barrage
    Effect: Light Attack fires 3 smaller projectiles in a spread.
  • Hot Barrel
    Effect: Heavy Attack has a sweet spot at its maximum range that deals +40% extra damage.
  • Splash Damage
    Effect: The explosion from Light Attack is 50% larger and deals +20% more damage.


  • Hefty Momentum
    Effect: Gain +5 damage for every fully charged Light or Heavy Attack landed in sequence (up to 10).
  • Stinger
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals 20% more damage and propels you further.
  • Focus
    Effect: Light Attack charges 30% faster.
  • Lock In
    Effect: If you Dodge after fully charging an attack, the charge is stored for your next attack.


  • Furious Fists
    Effect: Light Attack is 50% faster.
  • Haymaker
    Effect: Heavy Dash Attack deals massive knockback and can Wall Slam foes for bonus damage.
  • Heavy Hitter
    Effect: Heavy Attack now has knockback and deals 30% more damage.
  • Soften Them Up
    Effect: Light Attack causes enemies to take 30% more damage for 1 second.

Rock Spells

Bull Rush

  • The Horns
    Effect: Spell deals an extra 75 bonus damage and can Wall Slam foes.
  • Finale
    Effect: Perform a damaging slam at the end of the Spell, dealing 50 damage.
  • Raging Bull
    Effect: Spell deals an extra +20 bonus damage for each consecutive hit.


  • Bloodlust
    Effect: After countering with the Spell, gain lifesteal on hit (+0.5 health per hit) for 2.5 seconds.
  • Revenge
    Effect: When you counter an enemy’s attack with the Spell, they take 35% increased damage from all sources for 3 seconds.
  • Adrenaline
    Effect: After a successful counter, gain 30% bonus attack speed and damage for a short duration.

Commanders Shield

  • Feared Aegis
    Effect: Enemies within the Spell’s area take 25% increased damage from all sources.
  • Righteous Iron
    Effect: Spell has increased area and provides damage resistance to players.
    Damage Increase: +20%
    Bonus Area: +30%
  • Healing Crest
    Effect: When an enemy is killed within the Spell’s area, it restores 1 health to all players.

Sky Drop

  • Massive Impact
    Effect: Spell gains +25% extra damage and an increased area of effect.
  • Debris Launcher
    Effect: When you jump and land, the Spell launches damaging debris that deals 45 damage.
  • Bullseye
    Effect: Spell gains a central sweet spot that deals +125% bonus damage.


The Specter build offers a combination of ranged attacks and precise melee strikes. Below are the detailed abilities.

Armillary Sphere

  • Overflowing Bolts
    Effect: Light Attack fires 2 additional bolts.
  • Spread Bolts
    Effect: Light Attack covers a larger spread, hitting multiple foes.
  • Arcane Bombardment
    Effect: Heavy Attack fires 3 bolts that deal bonus damage.


  • Serrated Edge
    Effect: Light Attack deals bonus damage and applies on-hit effects twice.
  • Swift Death
    Effect: Light Attack deals +20% more damage and allows movement while attacking.
  • Razor’s Edge
    Effect: Light Attack has a sweet spot at maximum range that deals +40% bonus damage.
  • Malice
    Effect: If Heavy Attack kills an enemy, gain 40% increased attack speed for 3 seconds.
  • Energy Drain
    Effect: Killing an enemy with Heavy Attack fills 1 charge of your Spell.

Arcane Blade

  • Embedding Strikes
    Effect: Light Attack deals a bonus +100% damage but no longer pierces foes.
  • Mystic Smash
    Effect: Heavy Attack conjures a hammer that deals a flat 120 damage.
  • Spell Weaver
    Effect: Each time you cast your Spell, Heavy Attack gains a stacking bonus of +20% damage (up to 5 stacks).
  • Arcane Recall
    Effect: When your Arcane Blades replenish, all Light Attacks return.
  • Weaving Slashes
    Effect: Heavy Attacks deal 25% reduced damage but slash an additional time.
  • Triple Finale
    Effect: The final blade of Light Attack fires three times.
  • Deadly Duo
    Effect: Gain extra damage (+2 flat) and 2 additional Arcane Blades for Light Attack.


  • Berserker
    Effect: Heavy Attack deals 100% more damage but costs 1 ❤️ if it hits an enemy.
  • Air Slash
    Effect: Light Attack is 50% larger and deals +20% more damage.
  • Through Pain
    Effect: Deal up to 100% extra damage based on how much ❤️ you are missing.
  • Killing Spree
    Effect: Killing an enemy with Light Attack increases Movement Speed and Attack Speed by 40% for 5 seconds (stacks up to 3 times).

Specter Spells

Mystic Beam

  • Piercing Beam
    Effect: Spell pierces foes and deals +15% bonus damage.
  • Life Drain
    Effect: Spell now provides lifesteal (+1 health per hit) while permanently reducing your max HP by 60.
  • Focusing Crystal
    Effect: Spell deals an extra +10 bonus damage for each consecutive hit on the same target.
  • Blink Strike
    Effect: After casting your Spell, your next Weapon Attack deals double damage.
  • Phantom Rush
    Effect: Spell deals +20% extra damage and hits foes you pass through, dealing 50 impact damage.
  • Shadow Dancer
    Effect: After using your Spell, gain 50% evasion for 2.5 seconds.

Spirit Guardians

  • Open The Floodgates
    Effect: Spell becomes a toggle that automatically spends Mana to summon Spirit Guardians. Gain +1 max Mana.
  • Primed Power
    Effect: Gain two permanent instances of your Spell but lose 1 max Mana.
  • Deadly Orbit
    Effect: Spirits from your Spell stop shooting and instead deal damage on contact with foes, with a +200% bonus damage increase.

Dragon Dive

  • Deft Dive
    Effect: Spell has improved turning and passes through foes.
  • Purifying Flames
    Effect: Spell restores 1 health per kill.
  • Gathering Flames
    Effect: Spell deals increased damage the farther it travels (up to +100 bonus damage).