I have listed the abilities and many details you will need when build classes in Reality Break in this guide.

Classes Build Guide

Unlock your full potential in Reality Break with this comprehensive guide to classes and aptitudes. Learn how to unlock new abilities, understand trait progression, and master your playstyle with detailed descriptions for each class.

In Reality Break, there are 6 unique classes, each unlocked by completing a Challenge Level 15 mission. Every class is tied to specific mission types (e.g., Survival, Elimination) and features 6 traits that enhance your abilities:

  • Initial Traits: The first three traits are available from the start.
  • Advanced Traits: The last three traits unlock at higher challenge levels (CL 25, CL 35, and CL 45).

Choose Aptitude

Your pilot’s traits also unlock as you progress in levels: at levels 5, 15, and 35. Check your pilot profile (hover over the class name) to view your traits in-game.

Classes and Their Traits


Playstyle: Start every mission cloaked and strike enemies without being seen. The Stalker leverages stealth to deliver devastating surprise attacks.


  • Stalker’s Shroud (Major Trait)
    Begin all missions cloaked, preventing enemies from attacking unless you are detected, fire a weapon, activate Propuision, or collide with an object. Losing the cloak after at least 5 seconds grants you 200% damage for 30 seconds.
  • Stalker’s Approach (Level 4 Minor Trait)
    Your Stalker’s Shroud remains active when activating a Propuision ability.
  • Stalker’s Ferocity (Level 12 Minor Trait)
    Immediately regain Stalker’s Shroud after destroying any Elite enemy.
  • Stalker’s Inevitability (Level 35 Minor Trait)
    Gain up to double Critical Damage against enemies with 3 or fewer allies within 100 meters.


Playstyle: Ensnare your targets with Propuision traps and finish them off. The Predator excels at crowd control and damage over time.


  • Propelled Entanglement (Major Trait)
    Ensnare targets using Propuision traps that slow movement and deal damage over time. Deploy a trap by pressing Propuision without any movement input.
  • Surging Snare (Level 3 Minor Trait)
    When an enemy is destroyed in a Propuision trap, its remaining duration is increased by 2 seconds and its damage is boosted by 20%.
  • Predator’s Acumen (Level 20 Minor Trait)
    Enemies in a Propuision trap with less than 40% health (Execute range) take 400% increased damage.
  • Gravity Well (Level 35 Minor Trait)
    Destroying an enemy in a Propuision trap triggers an implosion that pulls nearby enemies closer.


Playstyle: Maximize your firepower by equipping any weapon subtype in any slot. The Tactician thrives on weapon versatility, using combinations of primary and secondary weapons for synergy.


  • Flexible Arsenal (Major Trait)
    Equip any weapon subtype (Primary or Secondary) in any weapon slot.
  • Dual Fates (Level 4 Minor Trait)
    Gain 20% Haste when using two weapons of the same subtype.
  • Growing Tension (Level 15 Minor Trait)
    Equip two Primary weapons to receive 100% Energy Regen.
  • Cruel Impact (Level 35 Minor Trait)
    When using two Secondary weapons, reduce their energy cost by 60%.


Playstyle: Master drone technology to support your ship in battle. The Commander controls an army of up to five drones, each enhancing your offensive capabilities.


  • Mastermind (Major Trait)
    Gain 2 bonus drone slots for your ship.
  • Exponential Programming (Level 5 Minor Trait)
    Drone items can drop at up to +20 item level.
  • Secondary Tunneling (Level 15 Minor Trait)
    Your drones now channel additional Mini Fate Beams while you’re channeling Fate Beam.
  • Accessory Overlord (Level 35 Minor Trait)
    Every unique equipped drone specialization grants a +100% bonus to all drone damage.


Playstyle: Redefine your skills by converting cooldowns into energy costs. The Instigator is all about energy management and rapid ability usage.


  • Chronokinetic Interchange (Major Trait)
    Skills no longer have cooldowns but require energy to activate.
  • Temporal Repurposing (Level 5 Minor Trait)
    Increase your ship’s maximum energy by 20.
  • Graduated Consumption (Level 15 Minor Trait)
    Gain 0.1 Energy for each enemy destroyed, with double the energy for Elite enemies.
  • Multifold Cascade (Level 25 Minor Trait)
    Each enemy destroyed has a 30% chance to make your next Secondary Weapon Attack free.


Playstyle: Harness the power of regeneration to outlast your foes. The Sage specializes in health and energy recovery, making him extremely resilient.


  • Unleashed Restraint (Major Trait)
    There’s a 5% chance on kill to create a Rejuvenation Field that grants health and energy regeneration.
  • Dimensional Reservoir (Level 5 Minor Trait)
    Add an extra charge to your ship’s regeneration.
  • Aggression Accelerant (Level 15 Minor Trait)
    The Rejuvenation Field created by Unleashed Restraint also boosts your ship’s damage reduction by 80%.
  • Exploited Frugality (Level 35 Minor Trait)
    Activating your ship’s health regeneration also restores 55% of your ship’s energy over 2.5 seconds.

Mastering the nuances of each class in Reality Break is key to dominating your opponents. Whether you prefer stealthy strikes, trap-based crowd control, versatile weapon setups, drone warfare, energy-centric abilities, or high resilience, this guide has you covered. Experiment with different classes and trait combinations to find the perfect strategy for your gameplay.