In this guide I will explain how to buff, build, and abilities for all weapons in SWORN.
All Weapons & Spell Builds Vigilante Below is a breakdown of each weapon type and spell for the Vigilante build.
Sword Magnesis
Effect: Heavy Attack deals +30% damage and pulls enemies toward you. Honed Echo
Effect: Heavy Attack now releases a damaging wave. Hurricane
Effect: Heavy Attack shoots a vortex that deals damage over time to enemies inside it. Cursed Blade
Effect: All sword attacks deal up to 90% increased damage, based on how much curse you have. Acceleration
Effect: You move +10% faster and your Light Attack is 30% faster. Blade Wave
Effect: The first two swings of your Light Attack combo fire projectile waves. Bow Rapid Fire
Effect: Light Attack charges 80% faster. Rain Of Arrows
Effect: Heavy Attack fires 2 additional arrows. Focus Fire
Effect: Heavy Attack deals +10 additional damage for each arrow it fires. Skylall
Effect: Heavy Attack fires arrows 30% faster and deals 30% more damage. Heavy Draw
Effect: Light Attack charges 25% slower but deals +50% damage. Triple Shot
Effect: Light Attack fires 3 arrows in a spread but deals 40% less damage. Sniper
Effect: Light Attack deals +5% damage for every consecutive Perfect Shot (Max of 10 Perfect Shots). Bo Staff Helm Splitter
Effect: Heavy Attack deals +40% damage in the center of its impact. Above it All
Effect: You are briefly invulnerable during your Heavy Attack. Unending Torrent
Effect: After using your Spell, your Light Attack gains 40% attack speed for 3 seconds. Fivefold Strike
Effect: If the first 4 swings of your Light Attack combo hit enemies, the last hit deals double damage. Chakrams Streamline
Effect: Chakrams are thrown 40% further and travel 40% faster. Spare Blade
Effect: Gain an extra Chakram to throw. Razor Dance
Effect: Move 50% faster and spin an extra time while using Heavy Attack. Whirling Steel
Effect: Heavy Attack spins an additional time for each Chakram you are holding. Razor Vortex
Effect: Heavy Attack is 50% larger and deals 30% more damage. Great Razors
Effect: Chakrams are 50% larger and deal 30% more damage. Vigilante Spells Assassin Dagger Ricochet Blade
Effect: Spell deals bonus damage and ricochets between foes.
Damage Increase: +25%
Bonus Hits: +3 Vigilante’s Mark
Effect: Spell now marks foes, causing them to take bonus damage.
Damage Increase: +25%
Duration (s): 3 Veteran’s Blade
Effect: Spell gains permanent bonus damage with each kill.
Damage per Stack: +1
Maximum Bonus Damage: +150 Blade Rush Triple Slash
Effect: Spell performs three quick dashes with reduced damage.
Damage Reduction: 20% Cutpurse Dash
Effect: Spell grants gold when killing a foe.
Per Kill: +5 Vampire Dash
Effect: Spell restores health for each foe it passes through.
Health Per Hit: 0.5 Dagger Flurry Splintering Blades
Effect: Spell splinters into smaller knives on impact. Fan of Knives
Effect: Spell now throws additional blades.
Projectiles: 5 Killing Throw
Effect: Spell instantly kills and restores health from minor foes that are near death.
Enemy Health Threshold: 20%
Health per Kill: +3 Shadow Strike Omnislash
Effect: Spell deals extra damage and now targets an area, striking all foes within it.
Damage Increase: +25% Shadow Dancer
Effect: After using your Spell, gain massive evasion briefly.
Evasion Chance: +50%
Duration (s): 3 Marked For Death
Effect: Spell marks foes causing them to take extra damage and restore health to you when killed.
Damage Increase: +20%
Healing: +2
Duration (s): 3 Monk The Monk build blends physical might with mystical arts. Below are the details for each weapon type and spell.